Sustainability and environmental protection for a safe future
For us, sustainability is an obligation towards current and future generations. It plays a central role for us, both in raw material procurement, in production and in our cross-value product responsibility. We make long-term investments and, as a family-owned company, feel just as responsible for the success of our customers as we do for our own. The following measures are part of our holistic sustainability management:
- Responsibility in the supply chain by considering the sustainability rating for strategic raw material purchasing
- Obligatory code of conduct for binding behaviour in business transactions
- Extensive social commitment, especially in the Minden/East Westphalia region
- Strong environmental and energy management and high occupational safety standards to ensure health and safety at work
We would be pleased to send you our detailed sustainability assessment or our sustainability report.
At Follmann, we understand sustainability to mean reconciling our business activities with our economic, ecological, and social responsibilities. For us, sustainability is an obligation to current and future generations, and we set our goals accordingly.
To achieve this, we focus on the use of renewable raw materials and resource-saving processes in the development of our product solutions. Wherever possible, we use bio-based raw materials and are committed to using renewable raw materials based on the mass balance system. We support the GreenDeal with this solution and are committed to helping our customers expand their circular economy offerings.
With our sustainability policy, we not only take responsibility for our own production, but also protect our customers' products - your products.
Together we take responsibility for a secure future.
Responsibility for the environment and safety
Only the responsible use of natural resources in the interests of future generations will ensure long-term business success and an environment worth living in. With our products we also support the sustainability goals of our customers and users. In product development, we take into account not only aspects of product safety but also saving resources, energy efficiency and the reduction of environmental pollution during production and throughout the entire product life cycle.
Raw materials and manufacturing processes
- Comprehensive raw material qualification considers quality, product safety, occupational safety and environmental protection
- Continuous improvement through certificate quality and environmental management systems (ISO 9001, ISO 14001)
Products and safety
- High occupational health and safety standards, product safety and consumer protection have top priority
- Responsible use of energy in accordance with the energy management system (ISO 50001)
- Formulation and production of printing inks in accordance with EuPIA Guidelines and EuPIA-GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices)
As a company active in the chemicals industry, we are aware of our responsibility and we support the chemical industry's "Responsible Care“ initiative, which promotes acting responsibly for a secure future.
Dr Rainer Follmann was a founding member of the organisations “Förderkreis Umwelt future e.V.” (a registered society promoting the environment) and “Umweltinitiative der Wirtschaft im Kreis Minden-Lübbecke” (an environmental initiative of the business community in the Minden-Lübbecke district). Both organisations received the Environmental Award from the German Federal Foundation for the Environment (Bundesstiftung Umwelt).